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Saturday, February 9, 2008 

MLM Blogging Tips - 7 Ways To Keep Me Coming Back To Your Network Marketing Blog!

I read the other day that there are now over 70 million blogs online. Why not? Blogs are easy-to-execute, and they're personal. That's perfect for low-tech, relationship-oriented people like you and me.

So how will you attract visitors and keep them coming back to your blog?

1. Be clear in your mind and in your readers' minds what the focus of your blog is. "MLM" is just too wide - make it more specific and personal. More than anything, dig down into your passion. What really gets you excited? What really turns you on? How does that relate to network marketing? How can your reader benefit from your passion?

2. Start out just like you already have a huge audience of avid readers. Talk to each reader individually. If you make me feel that what you write is directed personally to me, it's impossible for me to look away. But if you take a "you people" attitude, as so many bloggers and marketers do, it's obvious you're not talking to me ... which means you don't understand how relationships work, which means you're probably not someone I can learn anything from.

3. You have a responsibility to me. Your posts do not need to be long or profound - 100-300 words is sufficient. But every single one of your posts sure as heck better have some value for me, or I may be gone forever.

4. Look at your blog like it is your life's work, the #1 contribution you will make to the world in your lifetime. Consider the lessons you have learned in your life, stories of your failures and what they have taught you. Tell me about the mentors you have had, whether in person or in books. What life-changing lessons have you learned from them? Tell me your stories, your insights, what you've learned, what inspires you, great MLM resources you've found, tips, tricks, traps, etc.

5. Read #3 again. Each time you write, focus on giving value to each reader. It doesn't matter if NOBODY is reading your blog yet. When somebody does show up, be sure they get value immediately. You want them to say, "Holy mackeral! Where have YOU been all my life?" Dig deep inside you, and then examine what you find from your reader's viewpoint. It sounds weird, but it just takes practice for it to become natural for you.

If you give value every time, readers will come back. You will build a relationship. And they will mention you to their friends. You will build relationships with them, too. The more value you give, the more attractive you will become to those who want to be "a mentor with a servant's heart."

Of course, THOSE are the people who will build your MLM business. If they stop by on the day the dog pissed on the carpet and you're just thinking about your troubles and you post a short article about nothing, because you are out of sorts ... well, then, that potential big network marketing business-builder will never come back.

6. Be a professional. Set a standard that every single post you make provides definite value to your readers. Then you never have to worry about losing the best people. They will bond with you because they see you are one of them - that "mentor with a servant's heart."

7. Every day, put your "servant's heart" out there for us to see. The more you contribute to all these people you've never met, the more they will be inspired by your mlm blogging, the more they will bond with you and want to be a part of what you are doing, and the more they will call to ask if they can join you in your business.

Richard Dennis has made his living by writing and building a network marketing team since 1993. You can read his thoughts regularly at http://RichardDennisNetworking.com/.

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