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Tuesday, February 5, 2008 

The Quit Smoking Swear Box

There are many people who are attempting to quit smoking. This article gives free tips on how you can kick the habit and to stop smoking those cancer sticks once and for all. I hope you enjoy the read.

When I was a teenager I clearly remember one of my teachers introducing a swear box at school. The concept, which I am sure you will be aware of, is quite simple. If you swear you have to put a certain amount of money in the box. At first people found it quite amusing and thought the idea was a bit of a joke. After having to put quite a lot of money into this box in the first few days of the project, I soon realised that it would be a lot cheaper if I could learn to control my tongue. Such a simple idea had a big impact on the school and at the same time taught me a huge lesson.

There are many reasons as to why people should stop smoking. Without doubt the most important is your health however a lot of people have a strange attitude to their own health despite hearing of many people dying from cancer related illnesses. They think that it will not happen to them or that by the time they get old, that a cure will have been found. They make comments such as, I could die in a car crash tomorrow anyway.

Over the last number of years we have seen regular government advertising campaigns to convince people to quit smoking. These are becoming more and more shocking and hard hitting, however people still do not listen.

What people do seem to care about, probably too much in my opinion, is money. Despite ever increasing tax raises on cigarettes people still continue to buy them. My idea is to keep a record of how many cigarettes you smoke per week and also how much it cost you to buy them. Then times the figure by fifty-two and that will be the amount you spend on cigarettes per year. How happy would you be if your boss offered you an increase to your wages of that amount? This is the reality as that is the increase in available money you would have per year. Just think about what you could spend that money on.

So we have now decided to quit smoking cigarettes once and for all. It is not going to be easy however. You will need to battle the demons in your head, who will be trying to convince you to have just one more. Going back to the swear box idea from before, it can be just as effective in any stop smoking program. It is likely that you will bow to temptation and every time you smoke one cigarette you put the equivalent cost of one whole packet in the swear box as way of punishment. The proceeds from the box could be given to a charity of your choice. This is you continue to let your demons win, will soon be hitting you hard in the pocket and hopefully will then convince you to stop.

I wish you every success in your quest to stop smoking.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

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