Friday, February 29, 2008 

Karate - Benefits and Bonuses

Karate has many benefits, but also has hidden bonuses.

For a child the benefits are numerous. Many pre-school age children are able to participate in karate where they couldn't in any other sport because of their age and ability. In karate pre-schoolers are able to enjoy the things that they like to do such as kicking, jumping, being able to punch on a bag. They get to learn balance, coordination, memory and discipline, things kids their age are needing as a basic foundation not only for karate but also for life. The hidden bonus is that children this age love doing it and will do their best to show it off at test time.

Kids ages 7-12 benefit from the physical activity, bully prevention that is often taught in classes and of course the self-defense. The hidden bonuses are the confidence that is built from the achievements earned along with focus that blends over into homework. All my Jr. Black Belts that are in this age range are either straight A students or A-B students. Karate has taught them the discipline to stick it out and to stay focused when it comes to school work.

Adults come to karate looking mostly for physical benefits and find out they receive much more than expected. Karate renews and adds to their confidence, helps them deal with anger management and many times helps them resolve issues in a more peaceful way. The hidden bonus is that karate teaches success management and goal achievement in a person's life in knowing that helping others get what they want is the first step to success in karate, as well as life. Karate's basic foundation is the belt system, but it is more than that, it is a goal system set up to help teach others how to set and achieve their own goals.

The benefits of karate are simple: physical fitness means better health, self-defense means safety, and belt levels mean goal setting and achievement for even the youngest of karateka.

The bonuses are many times hidden when you first start karate, but even after 1 month they start revealing themselves in so many positive ways that the practitioner didn't even realize when he first started. Karate: Benefits and hidden Bonuses that are well worth your time.

Mike Webb is the owner/head instructor of the Okinawan School of Karate and has 17 years of experience in Karate. For more information on Mike Webb go to

The above article may be published freely as long as all links are included and content is not changed. Copyright Mike Webb 2007

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What You Need to Know About Benign Multicystic Mesothelioma

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a form of non-cancerous mesothelioma. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelium, a protective membrane that protects and lines most of the body's internal organs, such as the lungs and the heart. It produces a fluid that lubricates the organs and prevents friction when they move against other internal organs in the body. The lungs, for example, can expand and contract during breathing without the danger of it getting worn or torn once it rubs against other structures. As a form of cancer, Mesothelioma is considered uncommon whether or not it is malignant or benign.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma affects the peritoneal tissue of the abdomen. This is the lining that surrounds organs like the bowel, spleen and the liver. It may also affect the pleura, the lining that covers the lungs. A person with this disease will develop tumors in the affected areas. If the tumors grow, they will cause difficulty in breathing or cause pain in the abdomen because of the added pressure placed on the lungs or in the stomach cavity.

Making a diagnosis of benign multicystic mesothelioma is always a challenge because a patient can appear to be without any symptoms. However, there are certain symptoms that may point to the disease such as, chest or abdominal pain, chronic cough, difficulty in breathing or in moving bowels, shortness of breath, fever, nausea, vomiting, anemia, swollen feet, fluid build-up in the lungs or in the abdominal area and unexplained weight loss.

These symptoms appear once the infection begins to spread or when the tumors grow too big. Complications may also occur once fluid escapes into the pleura of the lungs and may pose a serious health risk.

As with the malignant form of mesothelioma, the cause of benign multicystic mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. This places workers involved in industries and occupations where asbestos is produced or used at a high risk of developing the disease. This includes people whose occupations belong to certain industries such as construction, demolition, automobile, ship yards, power plants, steel mills, oil refineries, factories, railroads and asbestos mining.

Unfortunately, asbestos exposure is not only limited to workers in high-risk industries. People may also be exposed to asbestos through tainted drinking water, use of products that contain vermiculite such as some pesticides and fertilizers, exposure to some older appliances that contain asbestos or by living with a person who is exposed to the material. Asbestos fibers can cling to a worker's skin, hair or clothing and he or she may bring it home without even knowing it.

Diagnosis of benign multicystic mesothelioma
People suspected of having this disease have to undergo a physical examination. This will include a chest x-ray and CT scan of the affected areas. Biopsies of tissue samples taken from the lung or the abdomen will also help in determining whether a person has benign multicystic mesothelioma.

Once a diagnosis has been made, a treatment option will be prescribed. Prognosis for people with benign multicystic mesothelioma is significantly better compared to those with other forms of mesothelioma. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, patients can expect a better outcome compared to people with the malignant form.

The goal of treating benign multicystic mesothelioma is to remove the cause of the pain or discomfort. Which treatment options to use will depend on the need for an immediate solution and on the severity of the disease. In this case, the target of the treatment is to eliminate the tumors. It's not always possible to eradicate all tumors present in the affected area, but surgical removal will prevent symptoms and alleviate any pain.

Chemotherapy may also be used to target the infected areas. With radiation therapy, tumors are either shrunk or destroyed using high energy beams. As a final solution to the disease, it is important that further exposure to asbestos is either limited to such an extreme as to produce only the minimum risk, or to avoid even mild exposure altogether.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a highly treatable disease. If you experience any of the symptoms or have had prior exposure to asbestos, it's always best to consult a doctor for a proper medical evaluation and diagnosis. This disease may not be cancerous, but it is still a health risk and may prevent you from living your life fully. You may even want to get in touch with a qualified lawyer to help you obtain compensation for the suffering you have experienced.

For more information on mesothelioma and lung cancer, please go to:

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Calling Cards: Calling the Future Ahead

Are you tired of going through elaborate contracts to talk to your friends and family overseas? Do you need immediate credit to call a specific country for a short period of time without paying enormous rentals? All of your problems can simply be solved if you consider purchases credit through a Calling card. Simply put, a calling card is communication credit card used by consumers to get telephony services.

These calling cards have a pre-paid system, in which you pay for some minutes or a certain value of currency to get access to telephony service immediately. You can either go for international calling cards which enable you to call almost any country in the world from any phone you can get your hands on.

However, region specific calling cards might be a better options as they provide the cheapest deals possible in the market. For example, if you buy a calling card meant exclusively for the Caribbean, you might end up saving upto 40% on the call charges!

Now, the reason that these calling cards come at such cheap prices is easy enough to understand. Card Providers purchase call credits in bulk from the major telecommunication companies often with huge discounts. In turn, these companies pass a significant amount of these discounts to their end consumers as well.

Most of the UK calling card providers adhere to this policy and reap handsome benefits. Besides, UKs multicultural society provides many avenues for calling card companies to pitch their products to a wide array of population with contacts all over the globe. Thus the immigrant minorities in UK are helping to develop the telecommunication business even more.

The best benefit of a calling card is that you know exactly how much are you spending and where. This feature may seem similar to pay-as-you-go mobile phones, but provides an added advantage of being able to offer credits as low as 5!!

Calling cards can be a significant factor in the further growth of the increasingly saturated UK telephony market. Now, free calling cards and free minutes are increasingly being offered to lure customers and make them a fan of the convenience that this technology offers. If this sector turns out to be the biggest telephony business opportunity in UK in the years to come, I would not be surprised.

Henry kruz is an editor who write various articles on different themes in various resources. Visit for more information on calling cards, international calling cards and UK calling card providers.

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Homosexuality: Let's Reopen the Debate Part II

In my first piece on this subject titled Homosexuality: Let's Reopen the Debate and published at, I received readers' comments that have been pretty decent considering the inflammatory nature of the subject of the essay. I always appreciate readers' comments, even the loony ones, and I do try to think through them to see what I can learn as well as see if I've made some glaring error in my prose.

Let me assure you that if you plan to start writing on ANY subject and publish something, readers will write you and point out your flubs.

The purpose of this essay is to answer three of my readers' comments and to make some additional remarks on the subject of homosexuality.

I meant to write this piece more than a week ago, since this month, May 17 to be exact, marked the one-year anniversary of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, and I wanted to come out with this essay then. But I missed my self-imposed deadline. So here goes, ready or not.

Readers wrote the following:

1. "You say that "there is no reason homosexuals cannot change"(paraphrased). I'm assuming the reason you think homosexuality is unnatural is because of the entirely non-biblical teachings of the Catholic Church for the past several hundred years."

My Comments: Sometimes I don't know which it is that bothers me the most, the issue of homosexuality being accepted as perfectly wonderful and natural, or the apparent inability of Americans to reason correctly about most anything. I wonder if critical thinking skills are even taught in American schools anymore.

Two points: The first is that in my original essay, I was careful NOT to refer to or even hint at anything religious. I do possess a religious bias and it is NOT Catholic. But I was careful to discuss the scientific evidence in the first essay and not explore the theological or philosophical disciplines. I should add here there was a time when theology and philosophy would have been disciplines included in the argumentation of this issue. They are no longer, I believe, because the average American is INCAPABLE of using these disciplines due to mass ignorance of them. It isn't that they cannot but it is that they are willfully ignorant in the use of these disciplines.

The second point is that this reader's comment is a good example of distorting someone's position in order to make it easier to attack. This is the Straw Man Argument, is it not? This always, in my experience, seems to be the fall back position of those who would try to defend the Gay platform. When anyone, no matter their bias, questions the gay premises, the almost immediate reaction is,

"Oh, no one but those with the most hateful religious prejudice could possibly doubt our position and views."

Gays do this, and it is really a pretense, in order to keep the argument framed within parameters they can attack. Gays and those who support them will do this because they know that they are in trouble if they try to argue the scientific evidence as I pointed out in my first essay. Therefore, they distort the position of anyone who attempts to offer a reasoned and well- argued opposition to their platform as, "no one but those with the most hateful religious prejudice could possibly doubt our position and views".

This is, in my view, not sound thinking.

2. "The problem I have with your opinion is there is every reason to believe homosexuality is genetic. And there is every reason to believe that heterosexuality is genetic. This would mean there is every reason to believe that bisexuality is genetic--and I think that's the truth. After all, if bisexuality weren't natural then ancient cultures like the Greeks wouldn't have had the highly prevalent rates of homosexual behaviors that they did. Which means homosexual behavior is entirely natural."

My Comments: This reader offered no arguments to contradict the ones I made in the first essay. Sadly, this is so typical. I run into this situation all the time in the various op-ed's and feature articles I write and publish. I will receive ranting and raving from readers who offer subjective opinions with absolutely no substance.

This reader seems to want to try to prove that homosexuality is natural since ancient cultures would not have had the "highly prevalent rates of homosexual behaviors that they did.", if homosexuality wasn't natural.

To this reader I would say the following:

There were plenty of practices that were "highly prevalent" in ancient cultures. One such was sacrificing babies to the fire-god Molech. By your reasoning, if the validity of a practice of something is determined by its prevelance in an ancient culture or civilization thus meaning the practice is natural, then would it be ok to rekindle Molech worship and start throwing babies into the fires of Molech?

This is, in my view, is still not sound thinking.

3. "There exists one glaring falsehood in your article. Citing a 50% concordance rate genetically, you therefore say it can't be genetic. However, that 50% in itself proves there is a significant genetic influence, simply because the chance of homosexuality is 50%, and not the normative chance for a regular random sample."

My Comments: This reader really offered some excellent commentary and I wish he or she would have included an e-mail address so we could chat a bit more. To this person's observation, I would like to make a few comments.

As I said in my first essay, the way in which this 50% concordant rate was arrived at is seriously flawed. It was not done in a lab looking at the DNA of a random sampling. It was achieved through verbal surveys. Here is what I originally said: "In the study, A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation, researchers Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard discovered in their sample group that half of the identical twins pairs were both gay while the other half had one gay member in the pair and the other was heterosexual. That means a 50% concordance rate. A concordant twin-pair would mean that both twins members were gay while a disconcordant twin-pair would have one gay member and one straight member."

This was done by interviewing the subjects. As I mentioned in my first essay, it is notoriously difficult to try to obtain accurate results for the simple reason that you cannot rule out mitigating constructs such as "telling the truth". They may, in the survey, tell the truth and then again, they may not. Many of the twin pairs had only one member of the pair show up for the interview. If that one member, who identified himself as gay, claimed that his twin was also gay, how could you possibly guarantee the truthfulness of that statement? You cannot. The testability of that is impossible! Yet these were the results reported.

I also said this:

"The immediate and glaring problem here is that identical twins are genetic clones of each other. If one member of the twin pair is gay, and being gay is a genetically coded thing, then the other member of the twin pair must be gay also. It would be impossible to have anything other than a 100% concordance rate." I still stand by this statement and I hope you get the importance of this.

In the identical twin studies, the concordance rate would have to be 100%--something researchers Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard most certainly knew but reported their flawed results nevertheless.

Let me restate that these rates were NOT discovered in a lab doing any genetic coding testing. These rates were arrived at through surveys. Be sure to read my original article for the full context ( A question that no reader addressed, to which I would love to hear an answer, is this:

"I mean, isnt the whole gay premise that since being gay is an innate, genetic trait, and since they cannot help being gay, that they should, as any other ethnic group, marry and even raise children? And how many times have we read that homosexuality is like race? It is like someone being black.

That is a horrible analogy but it is what the gays say. So, let me see if I am getting this. If being gay is like being black, and being gay works itself out in ones behavior as having sex with someone of the same sex, then how does being black work itself out in the behavior of a black person? Or, to carry this absurdity even further, how about a Chinese person? How does being Chinese work itself out in the behavior of a Chinese person? How does a Chinese person behave? What if the Chinese person is a Chinese-American, born and bred in the U.S.A.? How then would that work? Is it not someones behavior and not a state of being that we are talking about?"

I would invite any reader, if you please, to answer this argument. I would love to engage you in a civilized discussion on this point.

But be careful. Don't resort to false appeals to authority, selective use of evidence, Ad Hominem arguments, Begging the Question arguments. Don't offer me something that cannot be tested, nor offer me vague terms or shifting definitions.

Think linearly. Write me!

Doug Bower is a freelance writer and book author. His most recent writing credits include The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Houston Chronicle, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Transitions Abroad. He is a columnist with and the Magic City Morning Star. He is also listed with He lives with his wife in Guanajuato, Mexico. His newest book Mexican Living: Blogging it from a Third World Country can now be seen at

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Marble Flooring Can Give Elegance to One's Home

Marble is a metamorphic rock created, and made it dense and durable material. Marble has unique color and texture.

Marble tiles are measured as one of the best materials that can be used in homes, and offices. Since marble tiles have a lot of benefits and qualities.

Marble tiles have been used for about thousands of year, even as far as the time of Romans and Greeks. Marble tiles are known for their elegance and pliability. Because of these, marble tiles are ideal as flooring materials. Marble tiles are functional and pleasing, so these tiles are best for flooring on your home and offices as well.

There are plenty of types of marble tiles, each vary in pattern, color and design. So it give you great array of natural materials that you can choose from, but all of these have the combination of toughness and beauty that can surely give elegance and shine to a home.

Marble tiles are durable, but not that durable. Its durability depends on how you take good care of it. Yes, marble tiles have beauty and elegance that is why it needs your care to remain its beauty.

Mopping and sweeping are not enough when it comes to caring for your marble tiles. Marble tiles are prone to stain, so if ever there is a spill, even if it is a small amount, you have to make sure to clean it right away, to prevent it from staining your marble floor. Marble tiles are prone to any acidic products that you use on your household such as shampoos; nail removers; citric drinks and so on. These acids can chemically react to your marble flooring, so it can leave stain to the marble, so you have to clean your marble flooring with soap and water, to prevent from staining your marble tiles. You have to gently rub your marble floor with barely wet sponge until it is clean again.

If your marble tiles are really dirty then you need to use a little amount of borax and clean damp cloth. Scrub the marble tiles gently and let it dry with clean cloth, to make it clean and shiny again.

Marble tiles are quite expensive, but it has a lot of benefits and advantages which making it to be reasonable. It can give beauty, elegance, sophistication, spark to ones home. It can even give a cooling effect to ones home.

Even it is quite pricey, people still see marble tiles to be a great investment. Since marble tiles can enhance the artistic value of a home. It can certainly compliment the appearance of a home with marble flooring.

But in installing the marble tiles, it would be better to hire a professional, so to make sure it is installed properly.

Indeed, marble tiles can make a home with elegance, beauty and with added artistic value. But make sure to clean and take care of it properly to maintain its shine.

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What Do Network Marketing Prospects Really Want? Can You Deliver?

You see, it's NOT about what you as the marketer wants, but rather what your prospect wants.

Remember, WIIFM?

"What's In It For Me"

Contrary to popular opinion, your prospect does NOT want to be SOLD.

I mean, if you are a rep in a network marketing company right now; at some point you were probably a prospect of your sponsor, right?

If you could go back in time; what would have been the ideal and best way that you could have been introduced or attracted to your current business?

So, ask yourself this question:

Are the marketing/prospecting methods you are currently using the best, most attractive, most professional and most effective way to bring people in to your business?

Are those methods based upon a 'scarcity mentality' OR are they based upon an 'Abundance Mentality'?

For example: Scarcity methods involve 'selling' the prospect on something and overcoming objections, and flashy presentations, and all kinds of incredible facts and figues designed to lure a person in, AS IF THEY ARE THE LAST PERSON ON EARTH AND YOU MUST SIGN THEM UP.

Contrast that with abundance mentality, which actually is a more passive, professional and comfortable way of truly ATTRACTING prospects to you who ARE ACTIVELY LOOKING for something, and letting them qualify themelves first before you even invest your valuable time with them. This embraces the concept that there are an endless amount of people out there who are actively looking for what you have, and there is no need to pull these silly sales pitches with people.

Which type of marketing/prospecting appeals to you the most?

Put yourself in the shoes of your prospect.

Would you rather be 'sold' on something with some sort of pitch, OR would you rather be able to find and get involved with something because you are actually actively looking for something and YOU make the moves to get involved on your own merit in your own time without someone breathing down your neck about it?

To learn what prospects truly want, you need to learn what they DON'T want first, and what methods of prospecting they HATE, before you can even think about talking to anyone about your business.

Remember, your upline/sponsor WILL NOT build your business for you. You must think for yourself and become an educated, independent marketer who can stand on his/her own with or without an upline. The quicker you do that, the quicker you can experience true success and present yourself as an expert in your field.

There is a reason the failure rate in network marketing is so high; do you want to know why?:

Well, gain the proper education and you'll quickly see what is really going on.

Open your eyes to the real world of networking, and you will discover the truth AND be given a solid plan of action to get you going on the right path.

It's not all about just buying better prospect lists, home business leads, mlm leads, opportunity seeker leads, etc. It's about attracting the RIGHT type of people in the right way and letting them get involved in their own right time.

So go to the right source and get educated on EFFECTIVE marketing, and you will learn how to position yourself in a much better and more professional light to your prospects. Then, you become an attraction magnet and not the typical mlm sales guy people can spot for miles.

I can personally tell you that doing this business using this kind of leverage and professionalism is so much more fun and rewarding that doing it the way the majority of people do.

May the truth set you free!

Scott Rogers is a Network Marketing Consultant who Specializes in Helping Network Marketers Truly Succeed in Their Chosen Businesses by Providing Resources, Education, and Tools for Effective Business Building and Marketing.

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Very Early Signs of Pregnancy - Do You Know the 10 Pregnancy Signs?

Very early signs of pregnancy - are there 10 pregnancy signs? Yes, there are signs that indicate very early that you are pregnant. Some women will experience one or two of them, others will have several of the very early signs of pregnancy. Once you have conceived, it will take about a week for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. As implantation happens, it's now possible to experience one or more of the 10 pregnancy signs and begin to know you are pregnant. Around this time, hormone levels begin to change, and the body reacts to these new hormone levels.

Here are 10 pregnancy signs:

1. Light Spotting - if you have conceived, spotting can happen when implantation occurs before your menstrual period should begin. Pregnancy bleeding from implantation is pinkish or brownish and not heavy. A normal menstrual flow should begin light, become heavy, then taper off again before ending.

2. More Frequent Urination - urinating more often is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation. The changes in hormone levels produced by implantation of the embryo, especially the hormone "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG), cause more frequent urination.

3. Elevated Body Temperature - it's normal to have an increase in body temperature at ovulation. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated through when your period should begin can be one of the very early signs of pregnancy.

4. Missing a Menstrual Period - a missed period is one of the obvious 10 pregnancy signs. However, you can miss a period for other reasons including illness, stress, hormone imbalance and reactions to foods or medications. If your menstrual cycle normally occurs very regularly, missing a period can be a sign.

5. Fatigue - lack of energy as one of the very early signs of pregnancy may be hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Feeling tired is related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears as the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

6. Cramping - the uterus can contract often and regularly. Moving around, exercise and orgasm all can trigger uterine cramping in early pregnancy.

7. Nausea - morning sickness is the name given to feeling nauseated when pregnant. Of the 10 pregnancy signs, only about half of pregnant women experience nausea, and feeling nauseated can happen any time of the day or night.

8. Tender Nipples and Breasts - one of the very early signs of pregnancy is a feeling of tenderness in the breasts and nipples. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone levels.

9. Darker Areolas - the area around the nipples becomes darker as early as one week after conception. The bumps on the areolas may look more prominent.

10. Constipation - you may notice a change in your bowels in early pregnancy. The intestines may relax and function less due to changing hormones and be one of the 10 pregnancy signs.

Once the very early signs of pregnancy are experienced, confirm pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 8 to 10 days after conception, and a urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days following conception. Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate. If you feel you are pregnant but your pregnancy test result is negative, do the test again in a week or so and see your physician.

Remember to take good care of your body even before you become pregnant. Give up smoking and alcohol, eat healthy and begin exercising. Those first few weeks and your health are vitally important to help support healthy development of your new baby. Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Besides knowing the 10 pregnancy signs, learn as much as you can about fertility, pregnancy and your health so your new baby will have the very best beginning to life that is possible.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Read more on the very early pregnancy test that is the most accurate and where to find it. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - visit and learn more about ovulation and fertility, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy and caring for yourself.

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Becoming A Landlord - How To Do It Right

Being a hands-on landlord can be very trying at times. That is why most investors hire a property management firm to take care of finding tenants, collecting rent and dealing with maintenance issues.

There are fees that you'll have to cover. These include lawyer's fees, accounting, insurance, mortgage payments, taxes and repairs, etc.

It would be wise to get commercial grade insurance coverage to be fully prepared for any eventuality.

You might also want to consider incorporating as this offers you an added degree of protection.

If you decide to do the landlording instead of hiring the job out, learn how to deal with tenants. And what about the rent. How much should you charge?

Start by checking out the local classifieds and rental websites that cover your area.

Join the local Landlord association if possible and learn all you can about landlord/tenants issues. Get all the agreements you'll need to run your business (leases, eviction notices, etc.)

Make sure your property is in good shape and complies with all local laws.

Several Ways To Make More Money From Your Rental Property

1) Landscaping - Keep your lawn mowed and free of weeds. Keep the front of the house clean. Make sure the paint is not chipped or worn down.

2) Flooring and Carpeting - Keep the carpet or hardwood floor very clean. That means no worn, damaged or discolored spots.

3) Lighting - Keep the front of the house and the interior very well lit. Spending a few extra dollars on quality lighting can increase the amount you can charge for rent.

4) Kitchen and Bathroom - Increase your rental income by making sure the kitchen and bathrooms are sparkling clean and shiny.

5) The Rest of the House - Fix "little" things around the property. Go through the house and make sure all doors and windows open and close properly. Fix all minor plumbing problems. Make sure the toilet and shower work well.

Sam Bowen is a Real Estate Investment Specialist. At his site, Real Estate Bargains he explains the methods you can use to find Real Estate Bargains around the world. Sam's financial vehicle of choice is an up and coming B2B Matchmaking service where you can earn up to $12,000 per week! Check out this site right Here

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