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Tuesday, December 4, 2007 

A Review Of Zrii, The Original Amalaki Juice

If you haven't heard already...a new network marketing company is causing a lot of buzz in the industry. Zrii is a company and the name of a health juice that is backed whole heartedly by the Chopra Center.

Of course, with so many juices on the market I wanted to see what made Zrii unique from the rest of them. The first thing that caught my attention is the bottle it comes in. I must admit that just the bottle alone attracts a person to the juice. Every bottle has the Chopra Center endorsement on it (with a little write up about the Chopra Center) and grabs people's attention with such a BOLD red color.

The juice itself is a nice red color and as you pour it into your glass you can see how hearty the drink is from all the herbs and seeds that stick to the side of the glass. Like with all health drinks, I'm always a little suspicous of how good it will taste. Especially since Zrii is an ayurvedic formulation that combines many herbs with the famous amalaki fruit.

So how did it taste? GREAT!! In fact, I think I would rate Zrii as being the best tasting health juice on the market. It has such a good flavor that it makes a person want to drink the whole bottle in one setting (that could become an expensive habbit).

O.k. so it doesn't matter how good a juice tastes unless it actually has an impact on your system. There are many juices that are extremely healthy and taste horrible...and there are many juices that taste great and are nothing more then watered down fruit juices.

I was pleasantly surprised as I began to feel an effect Zrii had on me even after a few ounces of the juice. Within a few minutes my chest felt warm and my energy perked up a little. At one point my nose even began to run a little...maybe from all the herbs. After about a half hour I felt really good. My nose was clear (I have allergies during the summer) and I had lots of energy.

In conclusion, Zrii passed my test with flying colors. It looks good, it tastes great and it has an impact on the body. What more could you ask from health juice?

With Zrii being the original amalaki fruit that is backed by the world famous Chopra Center is it any wonder that it is causing such a buzz in the industry?


Dave Vass is a internet network marketer that is interested in helping the average network marketer succeed by giving them the knowledge needed to use the power of the internet for the growth of their business.

And it is my pleasure to bring all of my experience and knowledge together to create a internet network marketing system for a once in a lifetime opportunity...Zrii. My desire is to give others an advantage above 97% of the other network marketers out there so that they can actually make money!

For further info please contact me at dave@oneglobalnetwork.com


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