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Monday, February 11, 2008 

Little Known Secret to Preserving Your Skin and Fight Aging

Since their highly acidic nature, wetness, low temperature, and absence of oxygen, northern bogs have become a depository of past life.The bog people are surprisingly well-preserved with fingernails, hair, and teeth in excellent condition. How is this possible when the dates are from 8000 B.C. to the early medieval times?

The peat (Moor Peat) held in the bogs has astonishing preserving attributes which lend to its ability to both combat aging and enhance wellness. Peat has first-class moisture- retaining properties which improves skin elasticity.

When peat is used on the skin, it is penetrated generally between the epidermis cells of your skin, producing an exchange reaction of ions is produced when the binding process with albumin in the skin occurs. The harmful positive ions in your skin tissues are exchanged for the rejuvenating negative ions in the moor peat. These particles are captured by your blood vessels in your system, carried throughout the body to help healing.

The rejuvenating benefits can be attributed to the abundance of essential oils, fatty acids and lipoids. These penetrate into the skin re-establishing your skin's natural pH balance. When you apply the moor peat to your skin, the increased flowing of blood to the skin can be attested to by the deepening of coloration seen on your skin when the peat is washed off. This characteristic of Moor Peat makes it most effective as an addition to any anti-aging and beauty regime for your skin.

The soluble organic and inorganic dynamic components leave the skin detoxified, refined, and strengthened. It's naturally hypoallergenic and potent and yet gentle.

The anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent and bioavailability properties of Moor Peat cause it to be an an excellent skin treatment both for hardy and troubled skin. It is one of the most potent natural healing substances. It contains bio-minerals, humic and fulvic acids, amino acids and plant hormones in a form that is easy for the human tissue to absorb. It nourishes and rejuvenates tissues, detoxifies and reduces inflammation considered a major cause of skin aging, wrinkles and many pains and illnesses It is also helpful in taking care of acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, scars, stretch marks, and cellulite.

For Cellulite, an inflammation of your subcutaneous tissues caused by a build up of toxins, poor blood circulation and fluid retention due to weak lymphatic flow, Moor Peat improves both the inflammation and its causes, making it an excellent treatment for cellulite and an aid to weight loss.

In fine spas all over Europe and select spas in the US, Moor Peat (or Moor Mud) is regularly used as bath, body wrap, and facial treatments. These spa treatments can be done successfully at home for fraction of the cost by purchasing fine quality Moor Peat from a quality supplier.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information got to http://www.wrapyourselfslim.com

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